Emergency repairs of mobile phone and digital cameras in St. Petersburg
Company «Smart Service "deals with past warranty services and provides emergency repairs of mobile technology, smartphones, digital cameras and flashbulbs in St. Petersburg. We repair broken listed equipment of any model and complexity.
Over the years, Service Center "Smart Service" has worked well in the field of services on repair and maintenance of equipment brands such as Acer, Apple, Benq, Blackberry, Hp, Motorola, Nokia, Samsung, HTC, Sony, Vertu, etc. Thousands of residents were convinced of the quality of our services! Close contacts with suppliers of branded components provide services as quickly as possible and preserve the high quality of work.
We are located:
St. Petersburg, Sadovaya str. Efimova 1/4 (in the yard)
Tel: 945-96-11, 8 (905) 202-41-14.
Go to page repair or repair cameras to find out our rates. iPhone repair page, you’ll find current prices on our services for Apple’s Smartphone. We’ll be glad to see you as our client!
Company Smart Service.
Leave request/ Order call
Call a courier If you are unable to come to us our courier will called your device where you’ll be comfortable.
Answering You can ask us a question on a topic that interest you and get an answer as soon as possible.
Office hours Without breaks and days off!
How to repair
General rules for repair. When you rent your equipment to us in the service center, you’ll be given a safe deliver the receipt containing information about us owner, from the words of the client and the date of the reception. On it you’ll get the equipment back so don’t waste it! After the issue of the equipment you’ll be given a warranty is in our workshop from 30 to 180 days, depending on the type of work done.
Warranty the executed repair of digital technology.
Any repair of digital technology. Repair of digital equipment of any difficulty.
Мы осуществляем профессиональный ремонт iPhone в Петербурге и предоставляем гарантию на свою работу.